In-Process Archive

In-Process 18th April

Last time I wrote, we were excited to announce the release of NVDA 2019.1. This time, we’ve stepped it up again! NVDA 2019.1.1 NVDA 2019.1.1 is now available. This minor release addresses several bugs found in the original NVDA 2019.1 version. These fixes include: NVDA no longer causes Excel 2007 to crash or refuses to… Read More

In-Process 29th March

I was going to beat around the bush and tease you for a few paragraphs, but I couldn’t wait – The big news this week is the release of NVDA 2019.1! NVDA 2019.1 If you need to download it immediately and can’t bear my waffling any further, you can go right to the release announcement… Read More

In-Process 15th March 2019

Hello from sunny Anaheim! This week, the NV Access team travelled to Los Angeles, California for the 34th annual CSUN AT conference. Firstly then, a big welcome to everyone reading for the first time who attended our session on Wednesday. While this issue covers a lot of information and reiterates much that was covered in… Read More

In-Process 1st March 2019

Response to feedback, Google summer of code, CSUN 2019, our new GM and more!

In-Process 8th February 2019

Welcome to February! Recently, we passed a milestone I’d been looking forward to. We sent out our 100th NVDA Expert Certificate! The recipient of that certificate, Sylvie Duchateau, has been a longtime NVDA user and supporter of the community. I asked her if she would mind sharing a few thoughts with everyone on In-Process. Here… Read More

In-Process 16th January 2019

Welcome to 2019! We hope everyone had a relaxing new year. We’re all back on deck now, and looking forward to making 2019 NVDA’s best yet! If you’ve contacted us since Christmas, you should receive a reply shortly, if you haven’t already. NVDA 2018.4.1 To start with, we’ve already got a release out this year!… Read More

In-Process 18th December 18

Welcome to the last In-Process for 2018! What a year it has been! While it has been a busy year, that doesn’t mean we’re letting it end quietly. The big news today is the release of NVDA 2018.4. NVDA 2018.4 Highlights of this release include performance improvements in recent Mozilla Firefox versions, announcement of emojis… Read More

In-Process 28th November 2018

Welcome to In-Process for this last week in November. Although In-Process might have been quiet lately, rest assured we’ve all been busy as we work towards NVDA 2018.4. Pertuni seminar Earlier this month, NV Access was honoured with an invitation to speak at a seminar for students. Organised by Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia (Pertuni), the seminar… Read More

In-Process 26th October 2018

Wow, the year is flying by! Last time In-Process came out, we were in the midst of a flurry of releases. We apologise for the extra updates, but think NVDA 2018.3.2 is our best yet! NVDA 2018.3.2 fixes several crashes which didn’t affect everyone but were severe for those affected. NVDA 2018.3.2 So, after all… Read More

In-Process 25 September 2018

Breaking news 26/09: What a busy time! Now also announcing NVDA 2018.3.2 for your downloading and enjoyment. As usual, being a “point” release, it only addresses one specific, but severe crash – this time, a crash in Google Chrome when navigating tweets on the Twitter website. Everything else below is still correct, and please download… Read More