In-Process Archive

In-Process 20th March

In these uncertain times, we’re pleased to be able to be able to give you this week’s In-Process, right on time, two weeks after the previous edition! Lots to cover this week, so let’s jump in right away with the topic which is affecting everyone: COVID-19: Business as usual at NV Access Firstly, we want… Read More

In-Process 6th March

What a tumultuous week it’s been this week! For all the uncertainty, there’s plenty in this week’s post to be excited and happy about, so let’s get started: NVDA 2019.3.1 NVDA 2019.3.1 has been out for nearly a month now. The reception to it has been fantastic. Many have commented on how they love the… Read More

In-Process 19th February 2020

NVDA 2019.3 here we are! For those who have been following this journey, this release has been a long time coming. The reaction from users has been fantastic! So, let’s get right into the big news story: NVDA 2019.3.1 NVDA 2019.3 came out on the 10th of February. We discovered an issue with a couple… Read More

In-Process 6th February 2020

The big news this week is that we are very close to the stable 2019.3 release! NVDA 2019.3 RC 3 is now out, so let’s start there: NVDA 2019.3 RC3 We encourage all users to download this Release Candidate (RC) and provide feedback. This is a release candidate for NVDA 2019.3. Unless any critical bugs… Read More

In-Process 16th January

Welcome to a new year! We hope you had a great Christmas and New Year and are busy getting into everything 2020 has to offer. As we all get into the new year, this week’s In-Process provides an update on where things are at currently. NVDA 2019.3 First of all, yes things are still moving… Read More

In-Process 12th December

Well the year is nearly at an end, but things aren’t winding down at NV Access! In fact, we’ve got a new beta version for you, so let’s start with that. NVDA 2019.3 beta 1 We’ve been working solidly towards 2019.3 for a long time. Now, we’re finally bringing you something with a little polish.… Read More

In-Process 29th November

Can you believe it’s the end of November already? The year is flying by! NVDA 2019.3 – Python 3 First of all, the question everyone is wondering, where is the next version of NVDA? We’ve always said, we’d rather wait and release something stable, than aim to meet an arbitrary deadline. Since 2019.2.1 we have… Read More

In-Process 15th November

Not our longest In-Process this week, but several important pieces to share with you. NVDACon Firstly, NVDACon is coming up in less than 24 hours! For all the important info, I’m going to borrow this Post from Austin Pinto: “Dear NVDA community, after more than 8 months in which we spent exciting time together to… Read More

In-Process 30th October

In-Process has been missing in action for a couple of weeks, but don’t fret, we’ve all been working hard! This week, it’s all about the events. Let’s get into it: Microsoft AT Partner summit Mick and Quentin spent a week in Seattle at the Microsoft AT Partner Summit. The summit brings NV Access and other… Read More

In-Process 1st October

It’s October already! Where is the year going? Well before it slips away, we’ve got a lot for you this week. A great milestone for NVDA, a new release, a shout-out to our friends at Intopia and heaps more, so let’s get started! 2019.2.1 EDIT: Post and links now point to final NVDA 2019.2.1 release… Read More