NVDA 2018.4beta2 Released

Beta2 of NVDA 2018.4 is now available for download and testing. For anyone who is interested in trying out what NVDA 2018.4 has to offer before it is officially released, we welcome you to download the beta and provide feedback.

Changes from Beta1:

  • Reverted #8869: BrowseMode: don’t refuse to report focus changes for replaced controls or focused ancestors. This was causing many other focused controls to be reported twice in Browse mode.
  • Updated translations

Highlights of this release include performance improvements in recent Mozilla Firefox versions, announcement of emojis with all synthesizers, reporting of replied/forwarded status in Outlook, reporting the distance of the cursor to the edge of a Microsoft Word page, and many bug fixes.

Note: Using this beta with Mozilla Firefox version 63 or earlier, on rare occasions certain changes to data in tables may not be correctly reflected in browse mode. In these cases, manually refresh NVDA’s virtual buffer with NVDA+f5. Mozilla Firefox 64 (hopefully released before the end of this month) fixes this bug.