ARIA Grid Test

This page confirms if screen readers will automatically bypass virtual navigation for read-only ARIA grids.

To test:

  1. Press Tab to move focus to the first item in the grid
  2. Once the first item has focus, press the j or k keys to move focus to the next or previous item
  3. If pressing j or k doesn't work, the screen reader hasn't bypassed virtual navigation and passed the shortcuts through.
Jim Gaffigan ‏@JimGaffigan

Does the Sunglass spam in your twitter feed mean this is turning into myspace?

5 minutes ago
David Bellona ‏@davidbellona

Came back to @din after trying out other services. Glad we did - ingredients, recipes really fresh n tasty, great customer service ta boot.

10 minutes ago
patrick h. lauke ‏@patrick_h_lauke

"Production ready" @polymer 1.0 is great...unless you try navigating the site with a keyboard, or screenreader? #a11y @addyosmani @sundress

9 hours ago