|| braille simbol | explanation | | edt | Displayed in braille for an object which is an editable text field. | | lst | Displayed in braille for an object which is a list. | | mnubar | Displayed in braille for an object which is a menu bar. | | mnu | Displayed in braille for an object which is a menu. | | btn | Displayed in braille for an object which is a button. | | chk | Displayed in braille for an object which is a check box. | | rbtn | Displayed in braille for an object which is a radio button. | | cbo | Displayed in braille for an object which is a combo box. | | lnk | Displayed in braille for an object which is a link. | | dlg | Displayed in braille for an object which is a dialog. | | tv | Displayed in braille for an object which is a tree view. | | tb | Displayed in braille for an object which is a table. | | ----- | Displayed in braille for an object which is a separator. | | gra | Displayed in braille for an object which is a graphic. | | (x) | Displayed in braille when an object (e.g. a check box) is checked. | | (-) | Displayed in braille when an object (e.g. a check box) is half checked. | | sel | Displayed in braille when an object is selected. | | submnu | Displayed in braille when an object has a popup (usually a sub-menu). | | ... | Displayed in braille when an object supports autocompletion. | | - | Displayed in braille when an object (e.g. a tree view item) is expanded. | | + | Displayed in braille when an object (e.g. a tree view item) is collapsed. | | ro | Displayed in braille when an object (e.g. an editable text field) is read-only. | | clk | Displayed in braille when an object is clickable. | | ( ) | Displayed in braille when an object (e.g. a check box) is not checked. | | h%s | Displayed in braille for a heading with a level. %s is replaced with the level. | | vlnk | Displayed in braille for a link which has been visited. | | not %s | Indicates that a particular state on an object is negated. Separate strings have now been defined for commonly negated states (e.g. not selected and not checked), but this still might be used in some other cases. %s will be replaced with the negated state. | | {number} of {total} | Brailled to indicate the position of an item in a group of items (such as a list). {number} is replaced with the number of the item in the group. {total} is replaced with the total number of items in the group. Spoken to indicate the position of an item in a group of items (such as a list). {number} is replaced with the number of the item in the group. {total} is replaced with the total number of items in the group. | | lv %s | Displayed in braille when an object (e.g. a tree view item) has a hierarchical level. %s is replaced with the level. | | r%s | Displayed in braille for a table cell row number. %s is replaced with the row number. | | c%s | Displayed in braille for a table cell column number. %s is replaced with the column number. | | %s end | Displayed in braille at the end of a control field such as a list or table. %s is replaced with the control's role. |