INFO - __main__ (07:05:12): Starting NVDA INFO - core.main (07:05:13): Config dir: C:\Users\marco_000\AppData\Roaming\nvda INFO - core.main (07:05:13): NVDA version next-10455,b3deb14 INFO - core.main (07:05:13): Using Windows version sys.getwindowsversion(major=6, minor=3, build=9600, platform=2, service_pack='') INFO - core.main (07:05:13): Using Python version 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:18) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (07:05:13): Using comtypes version 0.6.2 INFO - external:synthDrivers.vocalizer.SynthDriver.__init__ (07:05:13): Vocalizer info: Nuance Vocalizer 5.5, driver version 2.0.2, licensed:C:\Users\marco_000\AppData\Roaming\nvda\vocalizer_license.ini INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (07:05:13): Loaded synthDriver vocalizer INFO - core.main (07:05:13): Using wx version (msw-unicode) INFO - braille.initialize (07:05:13): Using liblouis version 2.5.3 INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (07:05:13): Loaded braille display driver freedomScientific, current display has 14 cells. INFO - brailleInput.initialize (07:05:13): Braille input initialized INFO - core.main (07:05:13): NVDA initialized IO - speech.speak (07:05:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Bibliothek'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:34): Braille regions text: [u'Bibliothek'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:34): Braille window dots: 127 24 12 123 24 135 2345 125 15 13 IO - speech.speak (07:05:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Liste'] IO - speech.speak (07:05:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'nvda_snapshot_next-10455,b3deb14.exe 16,0 MB \u2014 \u2014 Gestern Ziel-Ordner anzeigen 3 von 6'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:34): Braille regions text: [u'Bibliothek ', u'lst ', u'nvda_snapshot_next-10455,b3deb14.exe 16,0 MB \u2014 \u2014 Gestern Ziel-Ordner anzeigen 3 von 6'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:34): Braille window dots: 1345 1236 145 1 4567 234 1345 1 1234 234 125 135 2345 4567 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:05:42): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (07:05:42): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'6 Kontakte online - Nightly Symbol 2 von 5'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:42): Braille regions text: [u'6 Kontakte online - Nightly Symbol 2 von 5'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:42): Braille window dots: 1246 - 137 135 1345 2345 1 13 2345 15 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:05:43): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (07:05:43): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe Symbol 3 von 5'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:43): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe Symbol 3 von 5'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:43): Braille window dots: 147 125 24 14 13 15 1345 - IO - speech.speak (07:05:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:44): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:44): Braille window dots: 147 125 24 14 13 15 1345 - IO - speech.speak (07:05:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Haupt Liste'] IO - speech.speak (07:05:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'nicobruenjes; Text: Guten Morgen, ihr da drau\xdfen an den Empfangsger\xe4ten.\u2122; Wann: 07:03:58; Klient: Buffer 29022 von 29023'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:44): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe ', u'Haupt lst ', u'nicobruenjes; Text: Guten Morgen, ihr da drau\xdfen an den Empfangsger\xe4ten.\u2122; Wann: 07:03:58; Klient: Buffer 29022 von 29023'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:44): Braille window dots: 1345 24 14 135 12 1235 136 15 1345 245 15 234 23 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:05:46): Input: kb(laptop):shift+tab IO - speech.speak (07:05:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Baumansicht'] IO - speech.speak (07:05:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Ebene 1 Haupt 2 von 4'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:46): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe ', u'ba ', u'Haupt 2 von 4 1'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:46): Braille window dots: 1257 1 136 1234 2345 - 126 - 1236 135 1345 - 1456 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:05:47): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (07:05:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'&Erw\xe4hnungen 1 von 4 Ebene 1'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:47): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe ', u'ba ', u'&Erw\xe4hnungen 1 von 4 1'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:47): Braille window dots: 12346 157 1235 2456 3458 125 1345 136 1345 1245 15 1345 - IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:47): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe ', u'ba ', u'&Erw\xe4hnungen 1 von 4 1'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:47): Braille window dots: 12346 157 1235 2456 3458 125 1345 136 1345 1245 15 1345 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:05:50): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (07:05:50): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'&Erw\xe4hnungen Liste'] IO - speech.speak (07:05:50): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'SteveALee; Text: @MarcoZehe I bet! 1000 is massive!; Wann: 06.04.2014 14:10:00; Klient: HootSuite 617 von 617'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:50): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe ', u'&Erw\xe4hnungen lst ', u'SteveALee; Text: @MarcoZehe I bet! 1000 is massive!; Wann: 06.04.2014 14:10:00; Klient: HootSuite 617 von 617'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:50): Braille window dots: 2347 2345 15 1236 15 17 1237 15 15 23 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:05:57): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (07:05:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Baumansicht'] IO - speech.speak (07:05:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'&Erw\xe4hnungen 1 von 4 Ebene 1'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:05:57): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe ', u'ba ', u'&Erw\xe4hnungen 1 von 4 1'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:05:57): Braille window dots: 12346 157 1235 2456 3458 125 1345 136 1345 1245 15 1345 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:05:59): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (07:06:05): error executing event: gainFocus on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyc", line 143, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyc", line 91, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyc", line 98, in next File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 845, in event_gainFocus File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 789, in reportFocus File "speech.pyc", line 320, in speakObject File "speech.pyc", line 235, in speakObjectProperties File "baseObject.pyc", line 34, in __get__ File "baseObject.pyc", line 110, in _getPropertyViaCache File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\sysTreeView32.pyc", line 180, in _get_positionInfo File "baseObject.pyc", line 34, in __get__ File "baseObject.pyc", line 110, in _getPropertyViaCache File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\sysTreeView32.pyc", line 77, in _get_treeview_level File "comtypes\__init__.pyc", line 795, in __call__ COMError: (-2147024809, 'Falscher Parameter.', (None, None, None, 0, None)) IO - speech.speak (07:06:05): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'ausgew\xe4hlt'] DEBUGWARNING - displayModel.DisplayModelTextInfo._get__storyFieldsAndRects (07:06:05): AppModule does not have a binding handle IO - speech.speak (07:06:05): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe (Keine R\xfcckmeldung)'] DEBUGWARNING - displayModel.DisplayModelTextInfo._get__storyFieldsAndRects (07:06:05): AppModule does not have a binding handle DEBUGWARNING - displayModel.DisplayModelTextInfo._get__storyFieldsAndRects (07:06:05): AppModule does not have a binding handle IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:06:05): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe (Keine R\xfcckmeldung) ', ' '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:06:05): Braille window dots: 12357 12568 14 13 134 15 123 145 136 1345 1245 356 - - IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:06:05): Braille window dots: 12357 12568 14 13 134 15 123 145 136 1345 1245 356 - - DEBUGWARNING - displayModel.DisplayModelTextInfo._get__storyFieldsAndRects (07:06:05): AppModule does not have a binding handle DEBUGWARNING - displayModel.DisplayModelTextInfo._get__storyFieldsAndRects (07:06:05): AppModule does not have a binding handle IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:06:05): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe (Keine R\xfcckmeldung) ', ' '] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:06:05): Braille window dots: 12357 12568 14 13 134 15 123 145 136 1345 1245 356 - - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:06:28): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (07:06:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe'] IO - speech.speak (07:06:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'Haupt Liste'] IO - speech.speak (07:06:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('de_DE'), u'nicobruenjes; Text: Guten Morgen, ihr da drau\xdfen an den Empfangsger\xe4ten.\u2122; Wann: 07:03:58; Klient: Buffer 29022 von 29024'] IO - braille.BrailleBuffer.update (07:06:28): Braille regions text: [u'Chicken Nugget - MarcoZehe ', u'Haupt lst ', u'nicobruenjes; Text: Guten Morgen, ihr da drau\xdfen an den Empfangsger\xe4ten.\u2122; Wann: 07:03:58; Klient: Buffer 29022 von 29024'] IO - braille.BrailleHandler.update (07:06:28): Braille window dots: 1345 24 14 135 12 1235 136 15 1345 245 15 234 23 - IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (07:06:39): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+f1 INFO - globalCommands.GlobalCommands.script_navigatorObject_devInfo (07:06:39): Developer info for navigator object: name: u'nicobruenjes; Text: Guten Morgen, ihr da drau\xdfen an den Empfangsger\xe4ten.\u2122; Wann: 07:03:58; Klient: Buffer' role: ROLE_LISTITEM states: STATE_FOCUSABLE, STATE_SELECTABLE, STATE_FOCUSED, STATE_SELECTED isFocusable: True hasFocus: True Python object: Python class mro: (, , , , , , , , , ) description: None location: (258, 720, 1650, 19) value: None appModule: <'appModuleHandler' (appName u'chicken nugget', process ID 1284) at address 497ec90> appModule.productName: u'Chicken Nugget' appModule.productVersion: u'2.01' TextInfo: windowHandle: 3474978 windowClassName: u'SysListView32' windowControlID: -31747 windowStyle: 1378947149 windowThreadID: 4268 windowText: u'Haupt' displayText: u'B@tze \uf8ff Moin 06:51:23 Tweetbot foB@tze \uf8ff @Photoguy1st Was macht ScanBot anders als die anderen ScanApps ? 06:52:58 Tweetbot fo' IAccessibleObject: IAccessibleChildID: 29022 IAccessible event parameters: windowHandle=3474978, objectID=-4, childID=29022 IAccessible accName: u'nicobruenjes' IAccessible accRole: ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM IAccessible accState: STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE, STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED, STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED, STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE, STATE_SYSTEM_VALID (3145734) IAccessible accDescription: u'Text: Guten Morgen, ihr da drau\xdfen an den Empfangsger\xe4ten.\u2122; Wann: 07:03:58; Klient: Buffer' IAccessible accValue: None