INFO - nvda (17:18:54): Starting NVDA INFO - core.main (17:18:57): Config dir: C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda INFO - core.main (17:18:57): NVDA version main-5931 INFO - core.main (17:18:57): Using Windows version sys.getwindowsversion(major=6, minor=1, build=7600, platform=2, service_pack='') INFO - core.main (17:18:57): Using Python version 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (17:18:57): Using comtypes version 0.6.2 INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (17:19:07): Loaded synthDriver sapi5 DEBUGWARNING - core.main (17:19:07): Slow starting core (13.13 sec) DEBUGWARNING - RPC process 5244 (WerFault.exe) (17:19:07): Thread 5372, nvdaHelper\build\x86\remote\ia2Support.cpp, installIA2Support, 81: Error registering class object, code -2147221008 IO - speech.speak (17:19:07): Speaking [u'Loading NVDA. Please wait...'] INFO - core.main (17:19:12): Using wx version (msw-unicode) INFO - braille.initialize (17:19:12): Using liblouis version 2.5.2 INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (17:19:12): Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells. INFO - brailleInput.initialize (17:19:12): Braille input initialized DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadLocaleGestureMap (17:19:13): No locale gesture map for language en DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadUserGestureMap (17:19:13): No user gesture map DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.initialize (17:19:13): Touch only supported on Windows 8 and higher INFO - core.main (17:19:19): NVDA initialized IO - speech.speak (17:19:19): Speaking [u'Taskbar'] DEBUGWARNING - RPC process 5832 (CFSwMgr.exe) (17:19:22): Thread 5836, nvdaHelper\build\x86\remote\ia2Support.cpp, installIA2Support, 81: Error registering class object, code -2147221008 DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (17:19:45): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in File "core.pyc", line 307, in main File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop File "core.pyc", line 283, in Notify File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 843, in pumpAll File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 588, in processGenericWinEvent File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 507, in winEventToNVDAEvent File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyc", line 37, in getNVDAObjectFromEvent File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 333, in accessibleObjectFromEvent File "oleacc.pyc", line 240, in AccessibleObjectFromEvent DEBUGWARNING - core.Notify (17:19:45): errors in this core pump cycle Traceback (most recent call last): File "core.pyc", line 283, in Notify File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 843, in pumpAll File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 588, in processGenericWinEvent File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 507, in winEventToNVDAEvent File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyc", line 43, in getNVDAObjectFromEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 65, in __call__ File "watchdog.pyc", line 147, in _COMError_init CallCancelled IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:45): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (17:19:45): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in File "core.pyc", line 307, in main File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop File "core.pyc", line 290, in Notify File "comtypesMonkeyPatches.pyc", line 51, in newCpbDel File "comtypes\__init__.pyc", line 841, in __del__ File "comtypes\__init__.pyc", line 1092, in Release DEBUGWARNING - core.Notify (17:19:47): errors in this core pump cycle Traceback (most recent call last): File "core.pyc", line 283, in Notify File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 843, in pumpAll File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 588, in processGenericWinEvent File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 507, in winEventToNVDAEvent File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyc", line 43, in getNVDAObjectFromEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 65, in __call__ File "watchdog.pyc", line 147, in _COMError_init CallCancelled IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:50): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+t IO - speech.speak (17:19:50): Speaking [u'Taskbar'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:51): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:52): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:19:52): Speaking [u'Desktop list'] IO - speech.speak (17:19:52): Speaking [u'Window-Eyes 6 of 12'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:52): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (17:19:52): Speaking [u'Recycle Bin 1 of 12'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:54): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speak (17:19:54): Speaking [u'NVDA menu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:55): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:19:55): Speaking [u'Preferences subMenu p'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:55): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:19:55): Speaking [u'Tools subMenu t'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:56): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (17:19:56): Speaking [u'Preferences subMenu p'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:57): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (17:19:57): Speaking [u'General settings... g'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:58): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:19:58): Speaking [u'Synthesizer... s'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:58): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:19:58): Speaking [u'Voice settings... v'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:19:59): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:19:59): Speaking [u'Braille settings... r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:00): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (17:20:00): Speaking [u'Voice settings... v'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:00): Input: kb(laptop):enter DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (17:20:01): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in File "core.pyc", line 307, in main File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 14669, in File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 130, in showGui File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 390, in onActivate File "wx\_windows.pyc", line 2190, in PopupMenu File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 188, in onVoiceCommand File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 155, in _popupSettingsDialog File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 78, in __init__ File "gui\settingsDialogs.pyc", line 491, in postInit File "wx\_core.pyc", line 9304, in SetFocus IO - speech.speak (17:20:02): Speaking [u'Voice Settings dialog'] IO - speech.speak (17:20:02): Speaking [u'Voice: combo box IVONA 2 Salli - US English female voice [22kHz] collapsed Alt+v'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:04): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (17:20:04): Speaking [u'IVONA 2 Joey - US English male voice [22kHz]'] ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (17:20:05): error executing event: valueChange on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyc", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyc", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyc", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyc", line 1262, in event_valueChange File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 840, in event_valueChange File "speech.pyc", line 276, in speakObjectProperties File "speech.pyc", line 348, in speakText File "speech.pyc", line 449, in speak File "synthDrivers\sapi5.pyc", line 142, in speak COMError: (-2147467260, 'Operation aborted', (None, None, None, 0, None)) IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:09): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:20:09): Speaking [u'IVONA 2 Salli - US English female voice [22kHz]'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:30): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - speech.speak (17:20:30): Speaking [u'Desktop list'] IO - speech.speak (17:20:30): Speaking [u'Recycle Bin 1 of 12'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:32): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speak (17:20:32): Speaking [u'NVDA menu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:32): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:20:32): Speaking [u'Preferences subMenu p'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:33): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:20:33): Speaking [u'Tools subMenu t'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:34): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (17:20:34): Speaking [u'View log v'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:35): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (17:20:35): Speaking [u'Speech viewer s'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:35): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (17:20:35): Speaking [u'View log v'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (17:20:36): Input: kb(laptop):enter