INFO - nvda (21:43:21): Starting NVDA INFO - core.main (21:43:22): Config dir: C:\Users\Brendon C Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda INFO - core.main (21:43:22): NVDA version master-9280,3350d74 INFO - core.main (21:43:22): Using Windows version sys.getwindowsversion(major=6, minor=1, build=7601, platform=2, service_pack='Service Pack 1') INFO - core.main (21:43:22): Using Python version 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (21:43:22): Using comtypes version 0.6.2 INFO - synthDrivers.espeak.SynthDriver.__init__ (21:43:22): Using eSpeak version 1.47.11 03.May.13 INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (21:43:22): Loaded synthDriver espeak INFO - core.main (21:43:22): Using wx version (msw-unicode) INFO - braille.initialize (21:43:22): Using liblouis version 2.5.2 INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (21:43:22): Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells. INFO - brailleInput.initialize (21:43:22): Braille input initialized DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadLocaleGestureMap (21:43:23): No locale gesture map for language en DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadUserGestureMap (21:43:23): No user gesture map DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.initialize (21:43:23): Touch only supported on Windows 8 and higher ERROR - keyboardHandler.internal_keyDownEvent (21:43:24): internal_keyDownEvent Traceback (most recent call last): File "keyboardHandler.pyc", line 146, in internal_keyDownEvent File "inputCore.pyc", line 282, in executeGesture File "baseObject.pyc", line 34, in __get__ File "baseObject.pyc", line 110, in _getPropertyViaCache File "inputCore.pyc", line 100, in _get_script File "scriptHandler.pyc", line 81, in findScript RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:24): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n INFO - core.main (21:43:24): NVDA initialized IO - speech.speak (21:43:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar'] IO - speech.speak (21:43:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA menu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:25): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (21:43:25): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in File "core.pyc", line 307, in main File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 14669, in File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 131, in showGui File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 437, in onActivate File "wx\_windows.pyc", line 2190, in PopupMenu IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:26): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:26): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:26): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:26): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:27): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:27): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:28): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:28): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:28): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:28): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:30): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:31): Input: kb(laptop):insert IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:31): Input: kb(laptop):t IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:32): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speak (21:43:32): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:34): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speak (21:43:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA menu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:34): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:35): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:35): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (21:43:35): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in File "core.pyc", line 307, in main File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 14669, in File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 131, in showGui File "gui\__init__.pyc", line 437, in onActivate File "wx\_windows.pyc", line 2190, in PopupMenu IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:35): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:36): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:37): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:37): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:43:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:38): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:40): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:41): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:41): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:42): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:42): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:42): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:42): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:42): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:42): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:43): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:44): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:44): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:44): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:43:44): Speaking character u'M' IO - tones.beep (21:43:44): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - speech.speak (21:43:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop list'] IO - speech.speak (21:43:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 8 of 9'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:44): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:43:44): Speaking character u'M' IO - tones.beep (21:43:44): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:44): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:43:45): Speaking character u'M' IO - tones.beep (21:43:45): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - speech.speak (21:43:45): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Start menu'] IO - speech.speak (21:43:45): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search programs and files'] IO - speech.speak (21:43:45): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'M\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:46): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'M\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:47): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'M\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:47): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'M\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:47): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:48): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - speech.speak (21:43:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Start button Ctrl+Esc'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:48): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:48): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - speech.speak (21:43:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop list'] IO - speech.speak (21:43:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 8 of 9'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:49): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speak (21:43:49): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA menu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:50): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:50): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Preferences subMenu p'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:50): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:50): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Tools subMenu t'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:51): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:51): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Preferences subMenu p'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:51): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:51): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File Reader subMenu f'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:52): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:52): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Preferences subMenu p'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:52): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:52): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Tools subMenu t'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:53): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:43:53): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'View log v'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:53): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:53): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Speech viewer s'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:53): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:53): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'View log v'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:54): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:43:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'English (Australia) - US'] IO - speech.speak (21:43:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer'] IO - speech.speak (21:43:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit multi line read only'] IO - speech.speak (21:43:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - nvda (21:43:21):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:55): Input: kb(laptop):control+home IO - speech.speak (21:43:55): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - nvda (21:43:21):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:55): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:55): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Starting NVDA\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:55): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - core.main (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:56): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Config dir: C:\\Users\\Brendon C Donohue\\AppData\\Roaming\\nvda\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:56): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - core.main (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:56): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA version master-9280,3350d74\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - core.main (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Using Windows version sys.getwindowsversion(major=6, minor=1, build=7601, platform=2, service_pack='Service Pack 1')\r"] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - core.main (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Using Python version 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - core.main (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Using comtypes version 0.6.2\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:58): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:58): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - synthDrivers.espeak.SynthDriver.__init__ (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:58): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:58): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Using eSpeak version 1.47.11 03.May.13\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:58): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:58): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:59): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:59): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Loaded synthDriver espeak\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:59): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:59): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - core.main (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:59): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:43:59): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Loaded synthDriver espeak\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:00): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:00): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - core.main (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:00): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:00): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Using wx version (msw-unicode)\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:01): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - braille.initialize (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:01): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Using liblouis version 2.5.2\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:01): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:01): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells.\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:01): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - brailleInput.initialize (21:43:22):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:02): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:02): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Braille input initialized\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:02): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:02): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadLocaleGestureMap (21:43:23):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:02): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:02): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'No locale gesture map for language en\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:02): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:02): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadUserGestureMap (21:43:23):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:03): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:03): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'No locale gesture map for language en\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:03): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:03): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadUserGestureMap (21:43:23):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:03): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:03): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'No user gesture map\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:04): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:04): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.initialize (21:43:23):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:04): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:04): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Touch only supported on Windows 8 and higher\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:04): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:04): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ERROR - keyboardHandler.internal_keyDownEvent (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:05): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:05): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Touch only supported on Windows 8 and higher\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:05): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:05): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ERROR - keyboardHandler.internal_keyDownEvent (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:07): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:07): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'internal_keyDownEvent\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:08): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Traceback (most recent call last):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:09): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "keyboardHandler.pyc", line 146, in internal_keyDownEvent\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:09): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "inputCore.pyc", line 282, in executeGesture\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:09): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "keyboardHandler.pyc", line 146, in internal_keyDownEvent\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "inputCore.pyc", line 282, in executeGesture\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "baseObject.pyc", line 34, in __get__\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "baseObject.pyc", line 110, in _getPropertyViaCache\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "inputCore.pyc", line 100, in _get_script\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "scriptHandler.pyc", line 81, in findScript\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:13): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:13): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:14): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:14): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - core.main (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:14): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:14): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA initialized\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:14): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:14): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - speech.speak (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:14): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:14): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar']\r"] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:15): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:15): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - speech.speak (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:15): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:15): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA initialized\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:16): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - speech.speak (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:16): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar']\r"] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:17): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - speech.speak (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:18): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:18): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar']\r"] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:23): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:23): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - speech.speak (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:25): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar']\r"] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:29): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - speech.speak (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:29): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA menu']\r"] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:29): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:29): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - speech.speak (21:43:24):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:31): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:31): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA menu']\r"] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:35): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:35): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:25):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:40): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:40): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Input: kb(laptop):downArrow\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:44): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (21:43:25):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:48): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Trying to recover from freeze, core stack:\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:50): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:50): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in \r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:54): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "core.pyc", line 307, in main\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:44:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:44:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "wx\\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:01): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "wx\\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:05): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "wx\\_core.pyc", line 14669, in \r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "gui\\__init__.pyc", line 131, in showGui\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:15): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:15): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "gui\\__init__.pyc", line 437, in onActivate\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' File "wx\\_windows.pyc", line 2190, in PopupMenu\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:24): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:24): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:43:26):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:26): Input: kb(laptop):control+home IO - speech.speak (21:45:26): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - nvda (21:43:21):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:28): Input: kb(laptop):control+a IO - speech.speak (21:45:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Select all'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'selecting 10754 characters'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:29): Input: kb(laptop):control+c IO - speech.speak (21:45:29): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Copy'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:30): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:45:30): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Re: [NVDA] #2638: unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts - Message (Plain Text) icon 2 of 5'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:30): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Re: [NVDA] #2638: unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts - Message (Plain Text) '] IO - speech.speak (21:45:31): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'dialog From:\nNVDA Trac \nSent:\nMon 24/06/2013 9:24 AM\nTo:\nCc:\\nMessage\nMessage'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:31): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Message edit'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:31): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'page 1', LangChangeCommand ('en_AU'), u'Ticket URL: <', LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'link', LangChangeCommand ('en_AU'), u'', LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'out of link', LangChangeCommand ('en_AU'), u'>', LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'\n'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:33): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - speech.speak (21:45:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit multi line read only'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - nvda (21:43:21):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:35): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:45:35): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer icon 2 of 4'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:36): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer'] DEBUGWARNING - virtualBuffers.MSHTML.MSHTML._getNVDAObjectByAnchorName (21:45:37): GetElementById can't find node with ID __msie303:comment:20 IO - speech.speak (21:45:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:37): Speaking [IndexCommand(1), LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'banner landmark ', u'visited link', u'graphic', u'NVDA Logo'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:37): Speaking [IndexCommand(2), LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'search landmark ', u'edit', IndexCommand(3), u'button', u'Search'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:37): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - speech.speak (21:45:37): Speaking [IndexCommand(4), LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'link', u'graphic', u'Donate'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:38): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:45:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer icon 2 of 4'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit multi line read only'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - nvda (21:43:21):\r'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:39): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:45:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer icon 2 of 4'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community document'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'out of list', u'banner landmark ', u'visited link', u'graphic', u'NVDA Logo'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:41): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'search landmark ', u'edit'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:41): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'visited link', u'graphic', u'NVDA Logo'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' tool tip'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:43): Input: kb(laptop):insert IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:43): Input: kb(laptop):f7 IO - tones.beep (21:45:43): Beep at pitch 550.0, for 40 ms, left volume 42, right volume 42 IO - speech.speak (21:45:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Owned by:'] IO - tones.beep (21:45:44): Beep at pitch 550.0, for 40 ms, left volume 42, right volume 42 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:45): Input: kb(laptop):insert IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:46): Input: kb(laptop):insert IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:46): Input: kb(laptop):insert IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:46): Input: kb(laptop):insert IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:46): Input: kb(laptop):f7 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:47): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:47): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:45:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'search landmark ', u'edit'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:48): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:45:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search', u'button'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:50): Input: kb(laptop):insert IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:50): Input: kb(laptop):f7 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:51): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+f7 IO - speech.speak (21:45:52): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Elements List dialog'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:52): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'tree view'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:52): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 0 NVDA Logo 1 of 106'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:54): Input: kb(laptop):a IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:45:54): Speaking character u'A' IO - tones.beep (21:45:54): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - speech.speak (21:45:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Attachments (0) 21 of 106 level 0'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:45:55): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:45:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community document'] IO - speech.speak (21:45:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'main landmark ', u'heading level 3', u'visited link', u'Attachments '] IO - speech.speak (21:45:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'tool tip'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:04): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - speech.speak (21:46:04): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop list'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:04): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 8 of 9'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Start menu'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search programs and files'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Start menu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:06): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Internet Explorer subMenu I 1 of 20'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:06): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Email subMenu E 2 of 20'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:07): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:07): Speaking character u'N' IO - tones.beep (21:46:07): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:07): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:07): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'All Programs subMenu Use tab to move between sections, including the first and second panes and the power buttons. Use up and down arrows to move between list items. A'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:08): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search programs and files'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:08): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Brendon C Donohue B 1 of 7'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:08): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Shut down split button subMenu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:08): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Internet Explorer subMenu I 1 of 20'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:08): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'All Programs subMenu Use tab to move between sections, including the first and second panes and the power buttons. Use up and down arrows to move between list items. A'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:09): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search programs and files'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:09): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Brendon C Donohue B 1 of 7'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:09): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Shut down split button subMenu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:10): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:10): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Internet Explorer subMenu I 1 of 20'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:10): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:10): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'All Programs subMenu Use tab to move between sections, including the first and second panes and the power buttons. Use up and down arrows to move between list items. A'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:10): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:46:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Back'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search programs and files'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'All Programs tree view'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 1 Adobe Reader XI 1 of 56'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Apple Software Update 2 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:12): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:12): Speaking character u'N' IO - tones.beep (21:46:12): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - speech.speak (21:46:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NCH Software Suite collapsed 43 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:12): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:12): Speaking character u'N' IO - tones.beep (21:46:12): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - speech.speak (21:46:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA collapsed 44 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:14): Input: kb(laptop):capsLock IO - speech.speak (21:46:14): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'caps lock off'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:15): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:15): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:46:15): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NCH Software Suite collapsed 43 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:16): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:16): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:46:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA collapsed 44 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:16): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:16): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:46:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NCH Software Suite collapsed 43 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:17): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:17): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:46:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA collapsed 44 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:17): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:17): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:46:18): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NCH Software Suite collapsed 43 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA collapsed 44 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'OpenBook 9.0 collapsed 45 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:19): Input: kb(laptop):a IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:19): Speaking character u'a' IO - speech.speak (21:46:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Adobe Reader XI 1 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:20): Input: kb(laptop):a IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:20): Speaking character u'a' IO - speech.speak (21:46:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Apple Software Update 2 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:21): Input: kb(laptop):a IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:21): Speaking character u'a' IO - speech.speak (21:46:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Accessories collapsed 22 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:22): Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'expanded'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'20 items'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:22): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 2 Calculator 1 of 20'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:23): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:23): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Command Prompt 2 of 20 level 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:23): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:23): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Connect to a Projector 3 of 20 level 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:23): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:23): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Getting Started 4 of 20 level 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:24): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:24): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:46:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Notepad 6 of 20 level 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:25): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:46:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Untitled - Notepad'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit multi line'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:27): Input: kb(laptop):control+v IO - speech.speak (21:46:27): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Paste'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:28): Input: kb(laptop):control+home IO - speech.speak (21:46:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - nvda (21:43:21):\r\n'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:30): Input: kb(laptop):control+s IO - speech.speak (21:46:32): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Save As dialog Documents library Documents library\nFile name: File name:'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:32): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File name: combo box collapsed'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:32): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit Alt+n'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:32): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'selected *.txt'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:33): Input: kb(laptop):shift+m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:33): Speaking character u'M' IO - tones.beep (21:46:33): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - speech.speak (21:46:33): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'selection removed'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:34): Input: kb(laptop):y IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:34): Speaking character u'y' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:34): Input: kb(laptop):space IO - speech.speakTypedCharacters (21:46:34): typed word: y IO - speech.speak (21:46:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'y'] IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:34): Speaking character u'space' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:34): Input: kb(laptop):shift+n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:34): Speaking character u'N' IO - tones.beep (21:46:34): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:35): Input: kb(laptop):shift+v IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:35): Speaking character u'V' IO - tones.beep (21:46:35): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:36): Input: kb(laptop):shift+f IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:36): Speaking character u'F' IO - tones.beep (21:46:36): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:37): Input: kb(laptop):backspace IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:37): Speaking character u'F' IO - tones.beep (21:46:37): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:37): Input: kb(laptop):shift+d IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:37): Speaking character u'D' IO - tones.beep (21:46:37): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:38): Input: kb(laptop):shift+a IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:38): Speaking character u'A' IO - tones.beep (21:46:38): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:38): Input: kb(laptop):space IO - speech.speakTypedCharacters (21:46:38): typed word: NVDA IO - speech.speak (21:46:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA'] IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:38): Speaking character u'space' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:39): Input: kb(laptop):shift+l IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:39): Speaking character u'L' IO - tones.beep (21:46:39): Beep at pitch 2000, for 50 ms, left volume 50, right volume 50 IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:39): Input: kb(laptop):o IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:39): Speaking character u'o' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:40): Input: kb(laptop):g IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:40): Speaking character u'g' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:40): Input: kb(laptop):space IO - speech.speakTypedCharacters (21:46:40): typed word: Log IO - speech.speak (21:46:40): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Log'] IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:40): Speaking character u'space' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:40): Input: kb(laptop):backspace IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:46:40): Speaking character u'space' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:41): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My NVDA Log'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:42): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:46:42): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My NVDA Log.txt - Notepad'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:42): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit multi line'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:42): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'INFO - nvda (21:43:21):\r\n'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:44): Input: kb(laptop):alt+f4 IO - speech.speak (21:46:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ITBarHost'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Menu Bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File subMenu Alt + F'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:46): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:47): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer icon 2 of 4'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:48): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:46:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer icon 2 of 4'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'#2638 (unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts) \u2013 NVDA Community document'] IO - speech.speak (21:46:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'heading level 3', u'visited link', u'Attachments '] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:49): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:49): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'heading level 3', u'visited link', u'(0)'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:49): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:49): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'button', u'Attach file'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:50): Input: kb(laptop):e IO - speech.speak (21:46:50): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'You may use WikiFormatting here. edit multi line'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:51): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:51): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'out of edit', u'link', u'Image: [[Image()]]'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:52): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:52): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit multi line'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:52): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:52): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'out of edit', u'heading level 3', u'link', u'Modify Ticket'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:53): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:53): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' Change Properties '] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:54): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'table with 6 rows and 4 columns ', u'row 1 column 1', u'Summary:'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:54): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:55): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'column 2', u'edit', u'unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:56): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'row 2 Summary: column 1', u'Type:'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:56): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'column 2', u'combo box collapsed', u'defect'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:56): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'column 3', u'Priority:'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'column 4', u'combo box collapsed unavailable', u'minor'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:57): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:46:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'row 3 Summary: column 1', u'Milestone:'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:46:59): Input: kb(laptop):e IO - speech.speak (21:46:59): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'no next edit field'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:00): Input: kb(laptop):control+home IO - speech.speak (21:47:00): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'out of table', u'banner landmark ', u'visited link', u'graphic', u'NVDA Logo'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:01): Input: kb(laptop):h IO - speech.speak (21:47:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'main landmark ', u'#2638', u'visited link', u'new', u'link', u'defect', u'heading level 2'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'tool tip'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:01): Input: kb(laptop):h IO - speech.speak (21:47:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'unable to access the NVDA maine menu when NVDA first starts', u'heading level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:01): Input: kb(laptop):h IO - speech.speak (21:47:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Description ', u'Link to this section', u'heading level 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:02): Input: kb(laptop):h IO - speech.speak (21:47:02): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Attachments ', u'(0)', u'visited link', u'heading level 3'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:02): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'tool tip'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:03): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:03): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'heading level 3', u'visited link', u'(0)'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:04): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:04): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'button', u'Attach file'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:06): Input: kb(laptop):enter DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (21:47:07): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 11666360, objectID 46 and childID 0: [Error -2147467259] Unspecified error DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (21:47:07): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 11666360, objectID 47 and childID 0: [Error -2147467259] Unspecified error IO - speech.speak (21:47:07): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Ticket #2638 \u2013 Attachment \u2013 NVDA Community'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:07): Speaking [IndexCommand(1), LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'banner landmark ', u'visited link', u'graphic', u'NVDA Logo'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:07): Speaking [IndexCommand(2), LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'search landmark ', u'edit', IndexCommand(3), u'button', u'Search'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:07): Speaking [IndexCommand(4), LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'link', u'graphic', u'Donate'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:09): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'out of list', u'banner landmark ', u'visited link', u'graphic', u'NVDA Logo'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u' tool tip'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:09): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'search landmark ', u'edit'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:10): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:10): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'button', u'Search'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:10): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:10): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'link', u'graphic', u'Donate'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:10): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:10): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'navigation landmark ', u'list with 7 items', u'visited link', u'Home'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:11): Input: kb(laptop):h IO - speech.speak (21:47:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'out of list', u'main landmark ', u'Add Attachment to ', u'Ticket #2638', u'heading level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'heading level 1', u'visited link', u'Ticket #2638'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File (size limit 256.0 KB):'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'button', u'...'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:12): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Attachment Info'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:13): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:13): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Description of the file (optional):'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:13): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:13): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Attachment Info'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:13): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:13): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'button', u'...'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:14): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:14): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Attachment Info'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:15): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:15): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'button', u'...'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:15): Input: kb(laptop):enter DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (21:47:16): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in File "core.pyc", line 307, in main File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop File "core.pyc", line 284, in Notify File "queueHandler.pyc", line 76, in pumpAll File "queueHandler.pyc", line 47, in flushQueue File "scriptHandler.pyc", line 133, in _queueScriptCallback File "scriptHandler.pyc", line 165, in executeScript File "virtualBuffers\__init__.pyc", line 845, in script_activatePosition File "virtualBuffers\__init__.pyc", line 785, in _activatePosition File "virtualBuffers\MSHTML.pyc", line 277, in _activateNVDAObject File "virtualBuffers\__init__.pyc", line 763, in _activateNVDAObject File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\MSHTML.pyc", line 773, in doAction File "comtypes\client\lazybind.pyc", line 163, in caller File "comtypes\automation.pyc", line 664, in _invoke DEBUGWARNING - scriptHandler.executeScript (21:47:16): error executing script: > with gesture u'enter' Traceback (most recent call last): File "scriptHandler.pyc", line 165, in executeScript File "virtualBuffers\__init__.pyc", line 845, in script_activatePosition File "virtualBuffers\__init__.pyc", line 785, in _activatePosition File "virtualBuffers\MSHTML.pyc", line 277, in _activateNVDAObject File "virtualBuffers\__init__.pyc", line 763, in _activateNVDAObject File "watchdog.pyc", line 147, in _COMError_init CallCancelled DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (21:47:16): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in File "core.pyc", line 307, in main File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop File "core.pyc", line 283, in Notify File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 848, in pumpAll File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 593, in processGenericWinEvent File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 504, in winEventToNVDAEvent File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 231, in isUIAWindow IO - speech.speak (21:47:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Choose File to Upload dialog File name:'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File name: combo box collapsed'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit Alt+n'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:19): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Files of type: combo box All Files (*.*) collapsed Alt+t'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:19): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Open split button subMenu Alt+o'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:19): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Cancel button'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:20): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:20): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Address: C:\\Users\\Brendon C Donohue\\Downloads tool bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop split button'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search Downloads'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:21): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Command Module tool bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Organize button Organize this folder's contents."] IO - speech.speak (21:47:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Organize button Organize this folder's contents."] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:21): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Namespace Tree Control tree view'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 0 Favorites collapsed 1 of 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:21): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Items View list'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'talks_en_531_4_elo not selected 1 of 5'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:23): Input: kb(laptop):end IO - speech.speak (21:47:23): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'gwave569.exe 5 of 5'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:24): Input: kb(laptop):backspace DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:25): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ IO - speech.speak (21:47:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Items View list'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Downloads 4 of 15 row 1 column 4'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:25): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Pictures 10 of 15 row 2 column 4'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:26): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:26): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Downloads 4 of 15 row 1 column 4'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:27): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:27): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:27): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Documents 8 of 15 row 2 column 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:27): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:27): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:27): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Music 9 of 15 row 2 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:28): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:28): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Pictures 10 of 15 row 2 column 4'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:28): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:28): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Videos 11 of 15 row 2 column 5'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:29): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:29): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:29): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Documents 8 of 15 row 2 column 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:29): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:29): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:29): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Music 9 of 15 row 2 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:30): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:30): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:30): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Pictures 10 of 15 row 2 column 4'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:30): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:30): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:30): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Videos 11 of 15 row 2 column 5'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:30): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:30): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:30): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Documents 8 of 15 row 2 column 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:31): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:31): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:31): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Music 9 of 15 row 2 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:31): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:31): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:31): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Pictures 10 of 15 row 2 column 4'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:32): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:32): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:32): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Videos 11 of 15 row 2 column 5'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:33): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:33): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:33): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Documents 8 of 15 row 2 column 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:33): Input: kb(laptop):enter DEBUGWARNING - eventHandler.executeEvent (21:47:33): error executing event: typedCharacter on with extra args of {'ch': u'\r'} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyc", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyc", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyc", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 780, in event_typedCharacter File "speech.pyc", line 535, in speakTypedCharacters File "api.pyc", line 220, in isTypingProtected File "baseObject.pyc", line 34, in __get__ File "baseObject.pyc", line 110, in _getPropertyViaCache File "NVDAObjects\UIA\__init__.pyc", line 466, in _get_states COMError: (-2147220991, 'An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers', (None, None, None, 0, None)) DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:47:34): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ IO - speech.speak (21:47:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Items View list'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Brendon not selected 1 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:35): Input: kb(laptop):end IO - speech.speak (21:47:35): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Phone list May 2013.xlsx 14 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:37): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Emails for work.docx 13 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:37): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'BRENDON LIFT.docx 12 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:37): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Boost Information.docx 11 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:38): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Apple store.docx 10 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:39): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ZoomOffice 9 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:39): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ZoomEx 8 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:39): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Outlook Files 7 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:40): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:40): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Received Files 6 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:40): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:40): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 5 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:41): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Received Files 6 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:41): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:42): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Outlook Files 7 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:43): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:43): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:43): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 5 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:43): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:43): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:43): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Received Files 6 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:44): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:44): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 5 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:46): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - speech.speak (21:47:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop list'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 8 of 9'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:46): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:46): Speaking character u'm' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:48): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Vision Australia Downloads 6 of 9'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:48): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:47:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'i-access Online Downloader 2 of 9'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:49): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:49): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:47:49): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 8 of 9'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:50): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:47:50): Speaking character u'm' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:51): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:51): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer icon 2 of 4'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:52): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:53): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:53): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Ticket #2638 \u2013 Attachment \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer icon 2 of 4'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:53): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Choose File to Upload dialog File name:'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:53): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Items View list'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:53): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 5 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:54): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Header header'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:54): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Name split button collapsed Sorted (Ascending)'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:55): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:55): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File name: combo box collapsed'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:55): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit Alt+n'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:55): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'selected Apple store.docx'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:55): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:55): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Files of type: combo box All Files (*.*) collapsed Alt+t'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:55): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:55): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Open split button subMenu Alt+o'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:56): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Cancel button'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:56): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Address: C:\\Users\\Brendon C Donohue\\Documents tool bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop split button'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:56): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search My Documents'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:57): Input: kb(laptop):tab DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (21:47:57): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 656986, objectID -4 and childID 0: [Error -2147024809] The parameter is incorrect IO - speech.speak (21:47:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Command Module tool bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Organize button Organize this folder's contents."] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:47:57): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:47:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Namespace Tree Control tree view'] IO - speech.speak (21:47:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Favorites collapsed 1 of 2 level 0'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:00): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:00): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Items View list'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:00): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 5 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:01): Input: kb(laptop):backspace DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:02): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:05): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:05): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File name: combo box collapsed'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:05): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit Alt+n'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:05): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'selected Apple store.docx'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:06): Input: kb(laptop):shift+tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Items View list'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:06): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Documents 8 of 15 row 2 column 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:08): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'SkyDrive 14 of 15 row 3 column 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:08): Input: kb(laptop):end IO - speech.speak (21:48:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Tracing 15 of 15 row 3 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:09): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Music 9 of 15 row 2 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:09): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:09): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop 3 of 15 row 1 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:10): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Music 9 of 15 row 2 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:11): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Tracing 15 of 15 row 3 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:11): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:12): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Music 9 of 15 row 2 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:12): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop 3 of 15 row 1 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:13): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:13): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Music 9 of 15 row 2 column 3'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:14): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:14): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:48:14): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Pictures 10 of 15 row 2 column 4'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:15): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:15): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:48:15): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Videos 11 of 15 row 2 column 5'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:16): Input: kb(laptop):m IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:16): Speaking character u'm' IO - speech.speak (21:48:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Documents 8 of 15 row 2 column 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:17): Input: kb(laptop):enter DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (21:48:17): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 157, in File "core.pyc", line 307, in main File "wx\_core.pyc", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7306, in MainLoop File "core.pyc", line 283, in Notify File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 836, in pumpAll File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 635, in processFocusWinEvent File "IAccessibleHandler.pyc", line 504, in winEventToNVDAEvent File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 231, in isUIAWindow DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.DynamicNVDAObjectType.__call__ (21:48:18): Invalid NVDAObject: no windowHandle Stack trace: File "comtypes\_comobject.pyc", line 127, in call_without_this File "_UIAHandler.pyc", line 216, in IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler_HandlePropertyChangedEvent File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __call__ IO - speech.speak (21:48:18): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Items View list'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:18): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Brendon not selected 1 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:18): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:18): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'DaisyBooks 2 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:18): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:18): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IVONA Reader Documents 3 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IVONA Reader Podcasts 4 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 5 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Received Files 6 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:20): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Outlook Files 7 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:20): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ZoomEx 8 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:20): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Outlook Files 7 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:21): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Received Files 6 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:21): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 5 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:22): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IVONA Reader Podcasts 4 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:22): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IVONA Reader Documents 3 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:22): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'DaisyBooks 2 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:23): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:23): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Brendon 1 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:23): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:23): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:24): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'DaisyBooks 2 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:24): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IVONA Reader Documents 3 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:24): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'IVONA Reader Podcasts 4 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:24): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 5 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:25): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Received Files 6 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:25): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Outlook Files 7 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:25): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ZoomEx 8 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:25): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:25): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ZoomOffice 9 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:26): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:26): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Apple store.docx 10 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:26): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:26): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Boost Information.docx 11 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:27): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:27): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'BRENDON LIFT.docx 12 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:27): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:27): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Emails for work.docx 13 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:28): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'BRENDON LIFT.docx 12 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:28): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:28): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Boost Information.docx 11 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:28): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:29): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Apple store.docx 10 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:29): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:29): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ZoomOffice 9 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:29): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:30): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Apple store.docx 10 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:30): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:30): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Boost Information.docx 11 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:31): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:31): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'BRENDON LIFT.docx 12 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:32): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:32): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Emails for work.docx 13 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:33): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:33): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'BRENDON LIFT.docx 12 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:33): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:33): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Emails for work.docx 13 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:34): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:34): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Phone list May 2013.xlsx 14 of 14'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:35): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:36): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - speech.speak (21:48:36): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Ticket #2638 \u2013 Attachment \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Ticket #2638 \u2013 Attachment \u2013 NVDA Community document'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'button', u'...'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:37): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - speech.speak (21:48:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop list'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 8 of 9'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Start menu'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search programs and files'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Start menu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:39): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:39): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Brendon C Donohue B 1 of 7'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:40): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:40): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Shut down split button subMenu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:40): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:40): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Internet Explorer subMenu I 1 of 20'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:40): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:40): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'All Programs subMenu Use tab to move between sections, including the first and second panes and the power buttons. Use up and down arrows to move between list items. A'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:41): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:48:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Back'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:41): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:41): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search programs and files'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:41): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'All Programs tree view'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:41): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:41): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 1 Adobe Reader XI 1 of 56'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:42): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Apple Software Update 2 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:42): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:42): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:48:42): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NCH Software Suite collapsed 43 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:43): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:43): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA collapsed 44 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:43): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:43): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'OpenBook 9.0 collapsed 45 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:43): Input: kb(laptop):a IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:43): Speaking character u'a' IO - speech.speak (21:48:43): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Adobe Reader XI 1 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:44): Input: kb(laptop):a IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:44): Speaking character u'a' IO - speech.speak (21:48:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Apple Software Update 2 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:45): Input: kb(laptop):a IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:45): Speaking character u'a' IO - speech.speak (21:48:45): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Accessories collapsed 22 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:46): Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'expanded'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'20 items'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:46): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 2 Calculator 1 of 20'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:46): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Command Prompt 2 of 20 level 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:46): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Connect to a Projector 3 of 20 level 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:47): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:48:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Getting Started 4 of 20 level 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:47): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:47): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:48:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Notepad 6 of 20 level 2'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:48): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:48): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:48:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 1 NCH Software Suite collapsed 43 of 56'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:49): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:49): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:48:49): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA collapsed 44 of 56 level 1'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:50): Input: kb(laptop):n IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:50): Speaking character u'n' IO - speech.speak (21:48:50): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 2 Notepad 6 of 20'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:51): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:48:51): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Taskbar'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:51): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Untitled - Notepad'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:51): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit multi line'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:51): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'blank'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:53): Input: kb(laptop):f IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:53): Speaking character u'f' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:53): Input: kb(laptop):f IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:48:53): Speaking character u'f' IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:54): Input: kb(laptop):control+s IO - speech.speak (21:48:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Save As dialog Documents library Documents library\nFile name: File name:'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File name: combo box collapsed'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit Alt+n'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'selected *.txt'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:56): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Save as type: combo box Text Documents (*.txt) collapsed Alt+t'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:56): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'tool bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Hide Folders button'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:57): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Encoding: combo box ANSI collapsed Alt+e'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:57): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Save button Alt+s'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:57): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:57): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Cancel button'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:58): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:58): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Address: C:\\Users\\Brendon C Donohue\\Documents\\Brendon tool bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:48:58): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop split button'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:48:58): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:48:58): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search Brendon'] ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (21:48:58): error executing event: gainFocus on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyc", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyc", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyc", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 833, in event_gainFocus File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 777, in reportFocus File "speech.pyc", line 329, in speakObject File "speech.pyc", line 565, in speakTextInfo File "NVDAObjects\UIA\__init__.pyc", line 186, in getTextWithFields File "NVDAObjects\UIA\__init__.pyc", line 135, in _getTextWithFieldsForRange COMError: (-2147221008, 'CoInitialize has not been called.', (None, None, None, 0, None)) IO - speech.speak (21:48:58): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Search Box edit Search Brendon'] ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (21:48:58): error executing event: gainFocus on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyc", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyc", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyc", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 833, in event_gainFocus File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 777, in reportFocus File "speech.pyc", line 329, in speakObject File "speech.pyc", line 565, in speakTextInfo File "NVDAObjects\UIA\__init__.pyc", line 186, in getTextWithFields File "NVDAObjects\UIA\__init__.pyc", line 135, in _getTextWithFieldsForRange COMError: (-2147221008, 'CoInitialize has not been called.', (None, None, None, 0, None)) ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (21:48:59): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyc", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyc", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyc", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 868, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\__init__.pyc", line 903, in makeTextInfo File "NVDAObjects\UIA\__init__.pyc", line 67, in __init__ COMError: (-2147221008, 'CoInitialize has not been called.', (None, None, None, 0, None)) IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:01): Input: kb(laptop):tab DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (21:49:01): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 788328, objectID -4 and childID 0: [Error -2147024809] The parameter is incorrect IO - speech.speak (21:49:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Command Module tool bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Organize button Organize this folder's contents."] IO - speech.speak (21:49:01): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Organize button Organize this folder's contents."] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:03): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:49:03): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Namespace Tree Control tree view'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:03): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'level 1 Libraries expanded 1 of 4'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:06): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:07): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:49:07): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Items View list'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:07): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Books not selected 1 of 29'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:08): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:49:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Header header'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:08): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Name split button collapsed Sorted (Ascending)'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:10): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:49:10): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File name: combo box collapsed'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:10): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit Alt+n'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:10): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'selected *.txt'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:12): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - speech.speak (21:49:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Untitled - Notepad'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'edit multi line'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ff'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:15): Input: kb(laptop):alt+f4 IO - speech.speak (21:49:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Notepad dialog Do you want to save changes to Untitled?'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Save button Alt+S'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:16): Input: kb(laptop):tab IO - speech.speak (21:49:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u"Don't Save button Alt+n"] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:16): Input: kb(laptop):space IO - speech._speakSpellingGen (21:49:16): Speaking character u'space' DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (21:49:16): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 1115730, objectID -4 and childID 0: [Error -2147024809] The parameter is incorrect IO - speech.speak (21:49:16): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Ticket #2638 \u2013 Attachment \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:17): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (21:49:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer icon 2 of 4'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:18): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA Log Viewer'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:19): Input: kb(laptop):alt+f4 IO - speech.speak (21:49:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Ticket #2638 \u2013 Attachment \u2013 NVDA Community - Windows Internet Explorer'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'ITBarHost'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Menu Bar'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File subMenu Alt + F'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:21): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - speech.speak (21:49:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Desktop list'] IO - speech.speak (21:49:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'My Conference Recordings 8 of 9'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:22): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speak (21:49:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'NVDA menu'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:22): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:49:22): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Preferences subMenu p'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:23): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - speech.speak (21:49:23): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'File Reader subMenu f'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:23): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:49:23): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Preferences subMenu p'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:23): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (21:49:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'Tools subMenu t'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:24): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (21:49:24): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_GB'), u'View log v'] IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (21:49:25): Input: kb(laptop):enter