INFO - nvda (14:33:57): Starting NVDA INFO - core.main (14:33:58): Config dir: C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda INFO - core.main (14:33:58): NVDA version 2012.2beta1 INFO - core.main (14:33:58): Using Windows version sys.getwindowsversion(major=6, minor=1, build=7600, platform=2, service_pack='') INFO - core.main (14:33:58): Using Python version 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] INFO - core.main (14:33:58): Using comtypes version 0.6.2 INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (14:34:00): Loaded synthDriver sapi5 INFO - core.main (14:34:00): Using wx version (msw-unicode) INFO - braille.initialize (14:34:00): Using liblouis version 2.4.1 INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (14:34:00): Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells. WARNING - core.main (14:34:00): Java Access Bridge not available INFO - core.main (14:34:00): NVDA initialized IO - speech.speak (14:34:32): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Eudora'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:32): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:34): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - speech.speak (14:34:35): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Desktop list'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:35): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:35): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'UserGuide for this note-book 7 of 7'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:35): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:35): Input: kb(laptop):alt+tab IO - speech.speak (14:34:35): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Eudora icon 1 of 2'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:35): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:35): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Eudora icon 1 of 2'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:35): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:36): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Eudora'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:36): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'NVDA Trac, 10:59 PM 13/05/2012, Re: [NVDA-dev] [NVDA] #2331: Using The NVDA OCR plugg-in!'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:37): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:37): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Edit cursor'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:37): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:37): Input: kb(laptop):alt+f4 DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (14:34:37): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 1507418, objectID -4 and childID 0: [Error -2147024809] The parameter is incorrect DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (14:34:37): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 197794, objectID -4 and childID 0: [Error -2147024809] The parameter is incorrect DEBUGWARNING - watchdog._watcher (14:34:37): Trying to recover from freeze, core stack: File "nvda.pyw", line 155, in File "core.pyo", line 339, in main File "wx\_core.pyo", line 8010, in MainLoop File "wx\_core.pyo", line 7306, in MainLoop File "core.pyo", line 316, in Notify File "IAccessibleHandler.pyo", line 854, in pumpAll File "IAccessibleHandler.pyo", line 666, in processFocusWinEvent File "IAccessibleHandler.pyo", line 682, in processFocusNVDAEvent File "baseObject.pyo", line 34, in __get__ File "baseObject.pyo", line 110, in _getPropertyViaCache File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 590, in _get_shouldAllowIAccessibleFocusEvent File "baseObject.pyo", line 34, in __get__ File "baseObject.pyo", line 110, in _getPropertyViaCache File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 881, in _get_parent File "IAccessibleHandler.pyo", line 436, in accParent IO - speech.speak (14:34:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Desktop list'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:38): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'UserGuide for this note-book 7 of 7'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:38): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:38): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Normal cursor'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:38): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:43): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Start button pressed Ctrl+Esc'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:43): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Start menu'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:44): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Search Box edit Search programs and files'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:44): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'blank'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:44): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:44): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (14:34:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'blank'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:44): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:44): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - speech.speak (14:34:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Internet Explorer subMenu I 1 of 25'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:44): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'blank'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:44): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:44): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Email E 2 of 25'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:44): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:45): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:45): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:45): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:45): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:34:45): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'JAWS 13.0 J 3 of 25'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:45): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:46): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:46): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:46): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:46): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:34:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Taskbar'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:46): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'JAWS'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:46): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:46): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:46): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:46): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:34:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Options subMenu o'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:46): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:46): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Normal cursor'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:46): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:34:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Exit x'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:47): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:34:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'About... a'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:47): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:47): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:34:47): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Help subMenu h'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:47): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:48): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:48): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:48): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:48): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:34:48): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'About... a'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:48): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:48): Input: kb(laptop):enter DEBUGWARNING - IAccessibleHandler.accessibleObjectFromEvent (14:34:48): oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromEvent with window 525462, objectID -4 and childID 0: [Error -2147467259] Unspecified error IO - speech.speak (14:34:49): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'About JAWS dialog JAWS\nJob Access With Speech\nVersion 13.0.852 \nSerial Number :\n82227\nLocking Code:\n100-2a736\nSoftware Maintenance Agreement\nUpgrades Remaining:\n1\nRemote Access: Disabled\nTandem Direct: Disabled\nTandem Direct: Disabled\nAuthorized using a Local ILM key.\nAuthorized using a Local ILM key.\nCopyright \xa9 1993-2011\nby Freedom Scientific BLV Group, LLC\nPortions Copyright 1985-2011 by Microsoft Corp.\nPortions Copyright 1995-2011 by Nuance, Inc.\nPortions Copyright 2002-2011 by RealVNC Ltd\nThis product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (\nThis product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ('] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:49): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:49): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Serial Number : edit read only'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:49): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:49): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'82227'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:49): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:34:54): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+r IO - speech.speak (14:34:56): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), 'Performing OCR'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:56): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:34:59): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), 'Done'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:34:59): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:00): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:00): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:01): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:01): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:01): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:01): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:02): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:02): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:02): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:02): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:03): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:03): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:03): Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:03): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:04): Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:04): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:04): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:04): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:04): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:05): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:05): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:05): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:05): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:05): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:06): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:06): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:06): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:06): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:07): Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:07): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:07): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:08): Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:08): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:08): Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:08): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:09): Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:09): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:09): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:09): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:09): Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:09): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:10): Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:10): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:10): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:10): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:10): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:10): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:11): Input: kb(laptop):rightArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:11): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:11): Input: kb(laptop):leftArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:11): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:11): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (14:35:11): error executing event: caret on with extra args of {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "eventHandler.pyo", line 136, in executeEvent File "eventHandler.pyo", line 84, in __init__ File "eventHandler.pyo", line 91, in next File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible\__init__.pyo", line 1200, in event_caret File "NVDAObjects\window\edit.pyo", line 788, in event_caret File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 163, in File "C:\Users\Brendon Donohue\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\OCR 0.20120511.01\globalPlugins\ocr\", line 86, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 275, in __init__ File "textInfos\offsets.pyo", line 165, in _getSelectionOffsets NotImplementedError IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:12): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:12): Input: kb(laptop):escape IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:12): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:12): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:12): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'JAWS'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:12): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:13): Input: kb(laptop):windows+m IO - speech.speak (14:35:13): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Desktop list'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:13): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:35:13): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'UserGuide for this note-book 7 of 7'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:13): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - speech.speak (14:35:13): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'UserGuide for this note-book 7 of 7'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:13): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop):NVDA+n IO - speech.speak (14:35:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'NVDA menu'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:17): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Preferences subMenu p'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:17): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Tools subMenu t'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:17): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:17): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:17): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Preferences subMenu p'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:17): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:18): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:18): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:18): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:18): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:18): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Exit x'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:18): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:19): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:19): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Preferences subMenu p'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:19): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:19): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:19): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:19): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:19): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Tools subMenu t'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:19): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:20): Input: kb(laptop):enter IO - speech.speak (14:35:20): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'View log v'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:20): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:21): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:21): Input: kb(laptop):upArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:21): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:21): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'Reload plugins r'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:21): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:21): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:21): Input: kb(laptop):downArrow IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:21): Input: kb(laptop): IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:21): Input: kb(laptop): IO - speech.speak (14:35:21): Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), u'View log v'] DEBUGWARNING - synthDrivers.sapi5.SynthDriver.speak (14:35:21): Unsupported speech command: LangChangeCommand ('en_US') IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:35:22): Input: kb(laptop):enter